Friday, 21 June 2024

Postmodernism & Deutschland 83: blog tasks

Postmodernism & Deutschland 83: blog tasks

1) What were the classic media representations of the Cold War?

The classic media representations of the Cold War was East and West Germany in a binary opposition e.g. good vs bad.

2) Why does Deutschland 83 provide a particularly good example for postmodern analysis? 

Deutschland 83 is good for postmodern analysis as it is set in the past and mixes historical styles and blends fact and fiction.

3) Pick out some of the aspects of the opening of episode 1 and explain why they are significant.

A woman in Bonn watches Reagan's 'Evil Empire' speech which he urges to 'pray' for those in 'totalitarian darkness'. The next scene is an interrogation of two young people in East Berlin who bought Shakespeare plays on the black market. 

4) How does the party scene at Martin's mum's house subvert stereotypes of East Germany in the Cold War?

Martin is warmly welcomed by his family in a sunny garden and young people, including his girlfriend Annett. They enjoy themselves with beer, dancing, and singing to the protest song '99 Luftballoons'. This scene shows a different side of East Germany. Highlighting the more caring and affectionate side of everyday people. It contrasts with Lenora who represents the cold and manipulative officials often associated with East Germany.

5) What aspects of the episode set in West Germany offer postmodern elements?

Elements of postmodernism in West Germany for instance could be something like they have a chandelier and lavish, popular and expensive paintings such as Gustav Klimt’s painting ‘The Kiss’. In Martin steps foot inside of a western supermarket for the first time we can hear ‘Sweet Dreams are Made of This’ by the Eurythmics as Martin wonders around.

6) Finally, how does the article apply postmodern theory to Deutschland 83 and link it to the potential target audience?

"Ultimately though, the fact that our protagonist is a communist who is being manipulated by his own side indicates that this text is appealing to a post-unification audience". The article says that Jean Baudrillard theory of Simulacra depict things that have no original. We cannot know for certain how Eastern and Western Europeans behaved during this time what we are seeing is only an imagining and one that is influenced by the present. There is no fixed truth.

Postmodernism Factsheet

Go to our Media Factsheet archive on the Media Shared drive and open Factsheet #54: Introduction to Postmodernism. Our Media Factsheet archive is on the Media Shared drive: M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets. If you need to access this from home you can find our factsheet archive here (you'll need to use your Greenford login).

1) Read the section on Strinati's five ways to define postmodernity. What examples are provided of the breakdown of the distinction between culture and society (media-isation)?

advertising holds the power to either elevate or doom a company's success. An inferior product can achieve commercial success through effective advertising, whereas a remarkable product might not succeed without good marketing. In the past, the actual quality of a product decided if it would succeed or fail. Now, how well a product is advertised in the media is very important for its success.

2) What is Fredric Jameson's idea of 'historical deafness'? How can the idea of 'historical deafness' be applied to Deutschland 83?

Fredric Jameson suggests that as media becomes more prominent. In Deutschland 83 we can it depict some actual events. The show exaggerates drama and spy thriller elements, which can make its historical aspects feel less important. 

3) What examples and theories are provided for the idea of 'style over substance'?

Many people spend more for logos which a trend where style downplays talent. Another example can be seen with celebrities from reality shows like Big Brother, who are famous for their notoriety rather than skills.

4) What examples from music are provided for the breakdown of the distinction between art and popular culture? Can this be applied to Deutschland 83?

High art was once separate from popular culture, with opera and ballet for the wealthy, while pop music was accessible to all. In Deutschland 83 The East Germans enjoy pop music at Martin's party however The West German garden party has only a classical songs sung by the General's daughter. This shows high culture and elegance.

5) What is bricolage? What examples of bricolage can be found in Deutschland 83?

Bricolage is when old and new texts or things are blended to create new meanings. Some people say that mixing high and low art is able to reach more people, while others believe it devalues high art. In Deutschland 83 the contrast is shown through the General's daughter in West Germany singing classical music while East German youth sing pop music.

6) How can the audience pleasures of Deutschland 83 be linked to postmodernism? Read 'The decline of meta-narratives' and 'Media texts and the postmodern' to help answer this.

Meta-narratives are broad concepts that explain the universe often found in religions and political theories. Deutschland 83 shows  hyperreality. M
edia seems more real than reality. This could lead to people believing the media over reality because they may not know any better.

7) Now look at page 4 of the factsheet. How does Deutschland 83 demonstrate aspects of the postmodern in its construction and ideological positioning?

New texts are against postmodernism by reintroducing organised ideas and traditional concepts. Martin's spy story both entertains and educates viewers about the Cold War through authentic moments such as Ronald Reagan's speech and real documents.

8) Which key scenes from Deutschland 83 best provide examples of postmodernism? Why?

The supermarket scene shows postmodernism by contrasting the food abundance in West Germany's capitalism with the limited rescuers such as medicine in East Germany. 

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Music Video Introduction

 Music Video introduction blog task

This week's work requires Media Factsheet #69: Music Video. You'll need to log in to Google using your Greenford Google account to access this. Read the factsheet and answer the following 10 questions:

1) What is the purpose of a music video?

The purpose of a music video is to promote the artist and the song or album. They use Music videos as it provides a narrative or entertainment to the audience. It is an audience pleasure. 

2) How has the digital age changed the production and distribution of music videos?

The digital age has completely changed the landscape of music promotion and music videos. Before Web 2.0 the internet was only used to read information such as articles. However after the release of Web 2.0 Websites such as YouTube in 2005 and Twitter in 2006 People were now able to watch user generated content. This meant that the cost of entry into video creation was exponentially lowered and almost anyone with a camera and a computer can upload their own music videos or videos. 

3) Which three major record labels are behind VEVO? What is VEVO and why was it created?

The three major record labels were Sony Music Entertainment 

4) What are the key conventions of a music video?

Some key conventions of music video are link between music and the video itself e.g. video could be a story based on the lyrics. Genre characteristics things that are typical in a certain genre of music for instance such as pop there are many music videos with a stage and a microphone. Another convention of a music video is intertextuality from the culture at the time.

5) How can narrative be used in music video? Give an example of a music video that uses a narrative.

Narrative is widely used in music video, For instance in Taylor Swifts' Bad blood the narrative is a friendship gone sour and they end up fighting in a very superhero film Esq. way they have whole teams fighting it out.

6) What examples are provided in the factsheet for intertextuality in music videos?

In the factsheet they mentions Blink 182 -All the Small Things as it makes references to Back Street Boys' I Want it That Way and Christina Aguilera's Genie in a Bottle as they take whole scenes from them.

7) Why do audiences enjoy intertextual references in media products?

Audiences enjoy intertextual references as it makes them feel like they found an easter egg when they see a reference from something that they recognise.

8) Read the music video example analysis on page 3 of the factsheet. Select a music video of your own choice for each of the following headings and explain how each one links to the heading:
  • Conventions (movement/narrative/artist)
  • Intertextuality
  • Representation
  • Audience

In Olivia Rodrigo's Obsessed music video we can see some stereotypical pop music video conventions as we can see her doing a performance scene with the band behind her. The music video links with the lyrics. One the lyrics in particular where Olivia says 'the life of every fucking party' an award is shown  that says that on it. The narrative for this music video is that she is in a room fulled with the partners exes and she thinks that they are all better than her. It is a pageant contest to see whose the best partner for her current partner. She goes into deeper meaning in the lyrics. The ribbons and pageant outfits could be intertextuality. Similar themes can be seen with movies based around beauty pageants such as drop dead gorgeous and the great American beauty contest. in this Video Olivia can be seen representing the 'insecure female' role as she consistently believes that she isn't good enough and has anxiety over it. The target audience would be teenage girls/young people.

9) Watch the video for Ice Cube's It Was A Good Day (1993). How did this video set the conventions for later hip-hop music videos?

This was one of the earlier rap/underground music videos. It created the conventions and the trend of wearing bandannas and videoing the area that you are from and quote on quote 'reping your block'

10) How important do you think music videos are in the marketing and promotion of music artists today? Are music videos still essential to a band or artist's success? You need to form your own opinion here.

In my opinion i believe that music videos are extremely important and essential for artist as they give them a 'product ' to promote and hope big companies like your stuff and will take you in. additionally they are here to provide pleasure for their fans it also creates a brand image.

Coursework: Print brief research and planning

Research and planning blog tasks Create a blogpost called 'Print brief research and planning' and complete the following tasks to pl...