Saturday, 11 November 2023

Cinematography: blog analysis tasks

 Find the opening sequence to a film or TV drama of your choice on YouTube and embed the video in a blogpost called 'Cinematography blog tasks'. 

1) Write an analysis of the cinematography in the opening sequence. Highlight your use of media language and try to cover camera shots, angles and movement using the terminology we have learned in lessons. 

The setting opens with a medium close up of the parents. It suddenly switches to a close up of the mom. It then reverses back to the medium close up of the parents. The video camera then goes from a low angle to a high angle. It thus switches to a medium close up of the daughter. After it make use of a medium long shot to medium close elevates of the dad and next the mother and schoolgirl. Finally, there is a expansive establishing shot of all the characters containing the setting

2) How does the camerawork give the audience clues about the setting, narrative and character?

The camerawork gives audience clues about the setting as they are outside on the front Poarch. the parents are shown from a low angle to show dominance onto the daughter. the narrative is the daughters first day at school. the camerawork of her walking into the school building and bumping into everyone around her shows that she is nervous.

Secondly, find and analyse one film or TV still image. Add the image to your blogpost. 

3) Analyse the camera shot/angle in the image and what it communicates to the audience. Remember to highlight the media terminology you use.

The double shot of the two characters in a medium shot is them sitting on a staircase and their expression is shocked and in sadness. The image connotes that something very bad might have happened since their hair is wet and the weather is very dull and it is raining. for example someone may have passed away or one of them might have been broken up with.

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