Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Cinematography video feedback and learner response

Cinematography video feedback and learner response

1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher. 


• Great opening, creative use of music, very entertaining.

  • Labels stated well but lost it a little in middle - extreme close up was just closeup, dolly shot was handheld . Worth revising the terminology. (Double shot - two shot)
  • Perhaps lost the narrative a little towards the end-shows importance of editing
2) Type up your feedback from fellow students.


  • Funny
  • Good tilt 
  • Good use of Contrapuntal sound to create suspense and tension
  • Could have chosen different music to fit the scene
  • Lighting could be better
  • Some camera shots were labelled wrong 
  •  Shaky camera 
3) Now reflect on your work and write your own summary of the comments and feedback you have received. Write three WWWs and three EBI

  • The use of contrapuntal sound was good as it create suspense and was funny
  • The camera shots were good such as the tilts and panning as it made it entertaining
  • Muhammed really sold the character- acting was good 
  • The camera shots labelling wasn't that accurate 
  • Lighting could make the scene difficult to see sometimes
  • Music didn't make much sense in context
4) Learner response: think about what you learned about cinematography making the video and also watching others. What will you do differently when you start the coursework in the summer? What tips or tricks have you learned from others that you can use next time? Are there any specific aspects of camerawork that you need to revise or practice?

I want to learn about editing and various editing techniques. I aim to enhance my creativity when it comes to choosing the subject and filming techniques. It is important for me to understand the proper terminology for different types of shots to avoid repeating the same errors.

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Cinematography: blog analysis tasks

 Find the opening sequence to a film or TV drama of your choice on YouTube and embed the video in a blogpost called 'Cinematography blog tasks'. 

1) Write an analysis of the cinematography in the opening sequence. Highlight your use of media language and try to cover camera shots, angles and movement using the terminology we have learned in lessons. 

The setting opens with a medium close up of the parents. It suddenly switches to a close up of the mom. It then reverses back to the medium close up of the parents. The video camera then goes from a low angle to a high angle. It thus switches to a medium close up of the daughter. After it make use of a medium long shot to medium close elevates of the dad and next the mother and schoolgirl. Finally, there is a expansive establishing shot of all the characters containing the setting

2) How does the camerawork give the audience clues about the setting, narrative and character?

The camerawork gives audience clues about the setting as they are outside on the front Poarch. the parents are shown from a low angle to show dominance onto the daughter. the narrative is the daughters first day at school. the camerawork of her walking into the school building and bumping into everyone around her shows that she is nervous.

Secondly, find and analyse one film or TV still image. Add the image to your blogpost. 

3) Analyse the camera shot/angle in the image and what it communicates to the audience. Remember to highlight the media terminology you use.

The double shot of the two characters in a medium shot is them sitting on a staircase and their expression is shocked and in sadness. The image connotes that something very bad might have happened since their hair is wet and the weather is very dull and it is raining. for example someone may have passed away or one of them might have been broken up with.

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Sound analysis

  1) Find a film clip on YouTube that uses sound in an interesting way. Analyse the use of sound, making sure you use the key language we have learned about sound in film:

  • Diegetic and non-diegetic sound
  • Parallel and contrapuntal sound
  • Sound bridges
Remember to discuss/analyse all the different types of sound present in the clip:
  • Music
  • Dialogue
  • Voiceover
  • Sound effects
You also need to highlight or put in bold any use of media language.

In this film clip from the Korean film 'Parasite', the use of contrapuntal sound enhances the scene, making it more captivating and intriguing. Interestingly, there is a deliberate absence of dialogue, voiceovers, or any sound effects in the scene. Instead, the only sound present is that of classical music playing in the background while the characters engage in violent and gruesome actions such as killing and ripping each other's body parts. This deliberate juxtaposition of the serene music with the disturbing visuals creates a sense of confusion and discomfort for the audience. The use of contrapuntal sound in this context challenges the viewer's expectations and adds an unsettling layer to the scene. Despite the apparent mismatch between the sound and the visuals, there is a strange harmony that emerges, contributing to the overall impact of the scene.

Coursework: Print brief research and planning

Research and planning blog tasks Create a blogpost called ' Print brief research and planning ' and complete the following tasks to ...